BLM approves herbicide to fight invasive cheatgrass

Lisa Phelps
Posted 7/23/24

PLATTE COUNTY – The Bureau of Land Management gave the okay on July 8 for the use of seven herbicides to be used on federal lands to control noxious weeds and invasive species, including …

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BLM approves herbicide to fight invasive cheatgrass


PLATTE COUNTY – The Bureau of Land Management gave the okay on July 8 for the use of seven herbicides to be used on federal lands to control noxious weeds and invasive species, including Indaziflam.
Indaziflam has been used successfully by Platte County Weed and Pest in the battle against cheatgrass, an invasive species that quickly overcomes native grasses before drying out early in the season, which further adds to its list of negative attributes as it increases the fire hazard.

Weed and Pest Supervisor, Pat Bookout, said the new approval by BLM will allow a better control of cheatgrass on BLM land, which is often adjacent to private land currently being treated with the chemical. Previous to the Bureau’s okay on Indaziflam, the only product that could battle cheatgrass on BLM land had to be sprayed annually. Now, with good grazing management and the ability to use Indaziflam, Bookout said cheatgrass can be held back for approximately five or six years before another application may be needed.
Other herbicides approved by BLM were Aminocyclopyrachlor, Clethodym, and Flumioxazin, Fluazifop-P-butyl, Imazamox, and Oryzalin.
In a statement issued about the BLM’s addition of the herbicides to the toolbox available to responsibly manage the state’s natural resources, Governor Mark Gordon said, “Overall, the BLM’s approval is welcome news; albeit it would have been even more welcome months ago as states and counties were planning a coordinated spraying program for the season. Having additional tools to ensure a consistent, thorough, and effective invasive plant eradication effort benefits Wyoming’s wildlife, fire prevention, and habitat improvement programs. It is important to Wyoming’s fight against cheatgrass that federal land management agencies use consistent, proven methods that focus on the goal of landscape health foremost.”
The press release from the governor’s office further states, “With this approval, Indaziflam will be eligible for application on 18 million acres of BLM land in Wyoming. Wyoming invests millions of dollars annually to prevent the proliferation of terrestrial invasive species, including cheatgrass, ventana, and medusahead. The Governor consistently spearheads the fight against invasive species and led a task force to make recommendations on how to best target eradication. At the Governor’s request, the Wyoming Legislature approved $9 million for battling terrestrial invasives this year.”