Public Notice No. 1901


Notice to construction contractors, labor unions, and private individuals.
The Town of Guernsey intends to solicit assistance from the Department of Defense’s Innovative Readiness Training Program. The assistance will include using military personnel and equipment to perform site grading of the River Walking Path and Luncindy Rollins Road to repair and support improving drainage conditions and safety for users of the Greater Guernsey area while providing valuable real-world training opportunities for military personnel. The proposed assistance will take place at the washout area of the River Walking Path located to the east of Lucindy Rollins Road as well as the east portion of Lucindy Rollins Road from the South Guernsey Highway to the west property line of Wyoming State Parks portion of Lucindy Rollins Road in 2021. Construction contractors, labor unions, or private individuals who have questions or who wish to voice opposition to military assistance for this project may contact Kate Farmer at 307-836-2335 or no later than 30 days after publication of this notice. Persons not filing comments within the time frame noted will be considered to have waived their objections to military assistance for this project.

Dated this 6th day of January 2021

/s/ Kate Farmer

Public Notice No. 1901 published in the Guernsey Gazette on January 12 and 19, 2021.