Public Notice No. 2021



April 4, 2023
Town of Guernsey
 Regular Meeting
Platte County, Wyoming

PRESENT: Mayor Delgado, CM Augustyn, CM Harris, CM Michaels, CM Wells.
STAFF:  Judge William Conner, Chuck Porter, Chief Thomas, Pam Hebbert, Lindi Otero, Sergeant Holt, Officer Chavez, Mike Fronapfel, Lester Ballard.
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Delgado called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

AGENDA: CM Michaels motioned to approve the agenda. CM Harris seconded. The motion carried.
MINUTES: CM Wells motioned to approve the minutes from March 21, 2023. CM Harris seconded. The motion carried.
CONSIDERATION OF CLAIMS:  Mayor Delgado presented the vouchers for approval. CM Augustyn moved to approve the Considerations of Claims in the amount of $132,306.05, seconded by CM Michaels. The motion carried. Vouchers follow in their entirety: A&M Electric, $720.00; Amazon Capital Services, $737.81; B.A. Lawrence, LLC, $1,135.00; Black Hills, $3,021.82; Bowen, Jesse, $240.00; CenturyLink, $972.02; Charlie’s Repair, $101.20; CNA Surety, $100.00; Cowboy Supply House, $84.94; CPS Distributors, $23.80; Drube Supply, $146.95; Energy Laboratories, $125.00; Howe, Melissa, $407.90; Howshar Hardware, $943.86; TDS Collection Services, $14,948.47; Tri-City Parks & Recreation, $25,850.00; United States Postal Service, $198.83; Valley Motor Supply, $1.96; Wyoming Conference of Municipal Courts, $150.00; Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments, $21,483.31; Zimmerer, Sherri, $150.00. Total Invoices, $72,542.87. Payroll, $27,527.31. Taxes/Benefits Payable, $32,235.87. TOTAL CLAIMS: $132,306.05.
PUBLIC COMMENT:  Rose Martinez inquired about the outcome of the ordinance waiver request by Charlie’s Repair at the March 21 council meeting. Discussion followed around the intent of the
9-month waiver granted. Charlie Walker provided a written Business Summary for 3/21/23 – 4/4/23.
APRIL 2023 CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION PROCLAMATION: Mayor Delgado proclaimed April as Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention Month and read the proclamation documenting such.
2023 TRI-CITY PARKS POOL CONTRACT:  Mayor Delgado is working with LGLP and the Town Attorney on contract revisions. The contract will be ready for consideration at the next meeting.
TRAIL RUTS GOLF & CAMP/2023 RATES: Lindi Otero researched rates for camping and golfing at numerous sites in Wyoming and surrounding states. She provided a cost comparison for the council and a revised rate sheet outlining a 12% increase, which would put rates close to other sites. After discussion, CM Augustyn motioned that the council approve an across-the-board 12% rate increase for golf and camp rates, with the exception that Senior Charter rates remain the same, and the shower rate increases to $8 for non-campers. CM Michaels seconded. The motion carried, with CM Harris abstaining. CM Augustyn motioned that golf team members from Platte County schools be allowed to play at no cost. CM Michaels seconded. The motion carried, with CM Harris abstaining.
2023 MOSQUITO PROGRAM/RESIDENT FEE: The council discussed the increase in the cost of pesticide in administering the mosquito control program in Guernsey, Hartville and Camp Guernsey. CM Wells motioned that a $2.00 per month fee be charged to utility accounts for four (4) months during the mosquito season. CM Augustyn seconded. The motion carried.
DEPARTMENT REPORTS:  Lester Ballard reported 11 days until the golf season opens. The greens are in good shape and they will turn on the water next week. He has identified trim and fairway mower options that may be available for lease later in the year. Mike Fronapfel reported they are seeing a number of water leaks as line thaw this time of year. They are getting rock to repair alley ways and will be using concrete to patch streets. Chuck Porter provided an overview of his activity to include cost estimates he is requesting for the baseball dugout roofs and the water heater tanks at the pool. He submitted a quote from Superior Contracting in the amount of $37,925 to grate and build-up the Old Timers Arena. CM Michaels motioned to accept that estimate and use the savings from recent reduced staffing in the Police Department to amend the budget and offset the cost. CM Augustyn seconded. The motion carried. Judge Conner presented the March Municipal Court report. He is researching travel expenses for the National Judges Association in July.  Jeff Thomas reported that he and Shenna Thomas attended a recent training and are both now qualified Strike Team Leaders.  
MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORT: CM Augustyn reported that the material and a design will be provided for the Skills USA class to create the dog park sign. He also requested assistance from public works to move donated material to the new river access point on River Road which Mayor Delgado granted as the crew is available. CM Harris commended the city crew on their work removing snow in the recent storm.  
EXECUTIVE SESSION: At 7:10 pm CM Augustyn motioned that the council adjourn to an Executive Session for personnel. CM Harris seconded. The motion carried.
RE-CONVENE REGULAR SESSION: At 7:50 pm the council re-convened to regular session with no decisions made.
ADJOURNMENT: With no further business, CM Harris motioned that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by CM Wells. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm.

Edward Delgado, Mayor
Pam Hebbert, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Notice No. 2021 published in the Guernsey Gazette on April 25, 2023.