Public Notice No. 1964


December 21, 2021

Town of Guernsey

 Regular Meeting

Platte County, Wyoming

Present: Mayor Paustian, CM Augustyn, CM Delgado, CM Harris. Absent: CM Kelley.

Staff:  P. Hebbert, Chief Smith, Officer Holt, J. Thomas.  

Call to Order: Mayor Paustian called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. He welcomed and thanked the assembly for attending.  All joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Agenda: A discussion of adding the agenda item to review proposals for FY 2021 Financial Review services ended with the decision to postpone action until the January 4th meeting in expectation of the receipt of another proposal. CM Delgado motioned to approve the agenda as written. CM Augustyn seconded. The motion carried.

Minutes: CM Harris moved to approve the minutes for the December 7, 2021, as written, seconded by CM Delgado. The motion carried. 

Consideration of Claims: Mayor Paustian presented the vouchers for approval. CM Augustyn moved to approve the Considerations of Claims in the amount of $53,169.42 for the period of 12/08/21 – 12/21/21. CM Harris seconded. The motion carried. Vouchers follow in their entirety:  All Out Fire, $1,045.00; Banner Capital Bank, $2,711.00; Capital Business Systems, $139.58; CenturyLink, $1,189.35; CenturyLink, -$1,184.53; Charlie’s Repair, $634.08; DLT Solutions, $1,741.42; William Holtz, $85.00; Howshar Hardware, $383.85; Inberg-Miller Engineers, $214.50; Mobius Communications, $225.00; Sam’s Club/SYNCB, $109.02; Sand Based Solutions, -$29.16; Sandberg Implement, $29.16; Soapy Suds, $80.00; Sterling Codifiers, $0.00; SYNCB/Amazon, $360.66; Verizon Wireless, $520.40; Vistabeam, $491.50, Wyoming Retirement System, $450.00; Wyrulec, $622.53. Total Invoices paid: $9,818.36. Payroll, $29,257.06. Taxes & Benefits, $14,094.00. TOTAL CLAIMS: $53,169.42.

Community/Organization Reports: None

Department Reports: Mayor Paustian presented a report from Town Planner Matt Allred. Matt has submitted drawing proposals for the cemetery entrance. He is working with vendor options for the library doors. Phase Two of the Rail Spur has a potential February start date. A preliminary design for the landfill closure should be coming soon. Police Chief Smith reported that adjustments to the police department budget were made to accommodate the cost of shipping the old vehicles back. Officer Mangan will be attending academy in May. A discussion followed regarding the considerations for changing the marking on the new police vehicles. Pam Hebbert reported that the Town will be in search of a new I/T provider as the current service provider is retiring. The council may need to consider its approach for COVID leave as several employees have needed to be off work due to affects. Pam thanked Dana Bell for her dedicated work in coordinating the Christmas events for the Town. 

Public Comment: P. Wells inquired about who would bear the cost of action to enforce covenants in the Haynes addition. She also provided detail regarding complaints she has voiced about actions of the Mayor. DB spoke about his observations of the Town in the time since they arrived. R. Martinez expressed frustration that action on agenda items is taking so long.

Mayor and Council Report: CM Delgado inquired about the status of communication with Banner regarding the ambulance contract. Mayor Paustian informed that the cost to retain services for an event is still in question. He is also talking with Fire Chief Thomas about other first responder options. CMs Harris, Augustyn and Delgado thanked DB for his comments. Mayor Paustian wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 

Adjournment: With no further business, CM Harris moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by CM Augustyn. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:12 pm.


Nicholas Paustian, Mayor 

Pam Hebbert, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Notice No. 1964 published in the Guernsey Gazette on January 11, 2022.