Public Notice No. 1909


February 16, 2021
Town of Guernsey
Regular Meeting
Platte County, Wyoming

Present: Mayor Paustian, CM Harris, CM Augustyn, CM Kelley, CM Delgado
Staff: K. Farmer, Chief Smith, Officer Chavez
Via Zoom: Christa Bartel, Shenna Thomas
Mayor Paustian called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance and was welcomed to the meeting.

Agenda: CM Harris moved to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by CM Kelley. A vote was taken, and the motion carried with 5 ayes.
Minutes: CM Kelley moved to approve the regular minutes for February 2, 2021, as presented, seconded by CM Delgado. A vote was taken, and the motion carried with 5 ayes.
Consideration of Claims: Mayor Paustian presented the vouchers for approval. CM Augustyn moved to approve the Considerations of Claims for $254,360.80 seconded by CM Harris. A vote was taken, and the motion carried with 5 ayes. Vouchers follow in entirety: ADTS – 226.40, Allred – 148.40, BA Lawrence – 1760.00, Bluffs Facility Solutions – 539.55, Bob Ruwart Motors – 294.71, Capital Business Systems – 465.36, Caselle – 570.00, Frank Jones – 3316.79, Galls – 49.30, Guernsey Gazette – 1930.50, One-Call Wyoming – 26.50, Pitney Bowes Global – 231.12, Sam’s Club MC/Syncb – 3178.26, VFW Auxiliary Post 4471 – 340.00, Verizon Wireless – 531.11, Vistabeam – 449.55, Western United Electric Supply – 2243.24, Wex Bank – 2195.51, Wheatland REA – 39.47, WMPA – 195728.47, Wyrulec – 946.42, Payroll – 29993.06, Taxes & Benefits – 9157.08, Total Vouchers – $254,360.80.
Camp Guernsey Back Brief: N/A
Resolution 2021-005 – Landfill Loan Repayment Account: CM Augustyn moved to approve Resolution 2021-005 – Landfill Loan Repayment Account, seconded by CM Kelley. A vote was taken, and the motion carried with 5 ayes. The resolution follows in title only: A RESOLUTION CREATING A CHECKING ACCOUNT AT FIRST STATE BANK FOR THE GUERNSEY LANDFILL LOAN REPAYMENT.
Ambulance Contract: CM Delgado moved to approve the Ambulance Contract with Banner Health and approved Mayor Paustian to sign the contract, seconded by CM Augustyn. CM Augustyn requested that Mayor Paustian gets with the County Commissioners and Platte County Municipalities to discuss a plan for ambulance replacement as a joint venture. Officer Chavez is also a part-time EMT for Banner Health and is under the impression that you must be an employee to operate or work on an ambulance. A vote was taken and the motion carried with 5 ayes.
Ordinance 2021-001 – Sewer Rates, 1st Reading: CM Augustyn moved to approve Ordinance 2021-001 on 1st reading, seconded by CM Kelley. A vote was taken, and the motion carried with 5 ayes. The ordinance follows in title only: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 2016-06; ESTABLISHING RATES FOR SEWER SERVICE FOR THE TOWN OF GUERNSEY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF GUERNSEY, WYOMING; There is hereby established the following monthly rates for sewer provided to consumers by the Town of Guernsey.
Public Comment: N/A
Department Reports: Kate Farmer let the council know that the audit has been up channeled for review by the auditor’s supervisor. The bid opening for the water transmission pipeline is Wednesday, February 17th at 2 pm. Chief Smith wants to attend a school in Las Vegas on March 9, 2021. He will pay for his travel and lodging expenses. CM Augustyn moved to approve the school for Chief Smith seconded by CM Kelley. A vote was taken, and the motion carried with 5 ayes. Chief Smith will speak with the County Sheriff’s Department to cover any shifts that need additional coverage while he is gone on training.
Mayor and Council Report: CM Delgado said thanks to the Town employees for all the hard work with the snow removal and suggested buying the crew lunch to show them some appreciation. CM Augustyn reported that a property on Wyoming and Sunrise has been cleaned up and the fence has been fixed. He asked the Chief about the outdated vehicle plates, he said they are working with the citizens to get them updated or moved onto private property. CM Augustyn said he knows that the PD has a standard operating procedure, does any other department have those for auditing buildings, equipment, and grounds to keep things in good working conditions? He said it will help keep the council informed and hold the departments accountable for what is expected of them. CM Harris and CM Augustyn discussed that PD ammunition is purchased through Teal Gun Works and they would like the Chief to check with the local gun shop in town for prices before purchasing any additional ammo. Mayor Paustian reiterated CM Delgado’s comments about the hard work over the weekend with snow removal.
Announcements: 2/17 – Platte County Mass COVID 19 Vaccination Clinic @ Wheatland Fire Training Center from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm, 2/20 - Mobile Food Pantry @ Town Hall Parking Lot, 3/2 – Town Council Meeting @ 6 pm,2/3 – Guernsey Volunteer Fire Meeting @ 6 pm, 3/16 – Town Council Meeting @ 6 pm
Adjournment: With no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Paustian called for a motion to adjourn. CM Harris moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:28 pm, seconded by CM Augustyn. A vote was taken, and the motion carried with 5 ayes.

Nicholas Paustian, Mayor
Kate Farmer, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Notice No. 1909 published in the Guernsey Gazette on February 23, 2021.