Public Notice No. 1718

Public Notice No. 1718


January 2, 2018
Town of Guernsey
Regular Meeting
Platte County, Wyoming

Present: Mayor Delgado, CM Harris, CM Kelley, CM Martinez

Absent: CM Whitworth

Staff: K. Farmer, B. Conner

Guests: Billy Jo Stoneking, Charlie Stoneking, Tate Stoneking, Renee Boomhower, Christa Bartel

Mayor Delgado called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance and was welcomed to the meeting.

Agenda: CM Harris moved to approve the agenda, seconded by CM Kelley. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes.

Minutes: CM Kelleymoved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by CM Harris. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes.

Consideration of Claims: Mayor Delgado presented the vouchers to approval. CM Martinez moved to approve the Considerations of Claims in the amount of $98,256.82, seconded by CM Kelley. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes. Vouchers follow in entirety: Bristow Build Construction – 30225.00, Capital Business Systems – 439.24, Casper Star Tribune – 194.20, Energy Labs – 6006.00, Ferguson Waterworks – 299.67, Guernsey Petty Cash – 260.65, Holloway – 316.20, Kriz Davis – 3915.32, Mobius Communications – 360.00, Parkway Plaza Hotel – 93.00, Pitney Bowes – 39.94, Purchase Power – 208.99, Radar Shop – (252.00), Staples – 241.82, Sterling Codifiers – 863.00, Syncb – 226.76, TDS – 13565.48, USPS – (23.75), USPS – 175.87, WAM – 675.00, Western Research – 1758.38, WGGA – 190.00, Wheatland Automotive – 536.89, Windbreak Cable – 155.00, Wyoming Peace Officers Assoc. – 40.00, Payroll – 29247.93, Taxes & Benefits – 8498.23, Total Vouchers – 98,256.82. 

Public Hearing for Liquor Licenses: Public Hearing Opened at 6:01:44 pm. No protests. Public Hearing Closed at 6:02:05

Liquor License Renewals: CM Martinez moved to approve Ben’s Bar, Kelley’s Bar, Crazy Tony’s Bar and the VFW Liquor Licenses, seconded by CM Kelley. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes

Resolution 2018-001 – Town of Guernsey Official Banks: CM Martinez moved to approve resolution 2018-001 – Official Bank, seconded by CM Harris. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes. Resolution follows in its entirety: A RESOLUTION BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF GUERNSEY WYOMING DECLARING OREGON TRAIL BANK AND FIRST STATE BANK AS THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES OF THE TOWN OF GUERNSEY WYOMING.

WHEREAS, Oregon Trail Bank and First State Bank have enacted resolutions and made applications for the deposit of public funds from the Town of Guernsey, and;

WHEREAS, Oregon Trail Bank and First State Bank are home banks of the Town of Guernsey, and;

WHEREAS, Oregon Trail Bank and First State Bank have pledged sufficient and acceptable security for the protection of public funds:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF GUERNSEY, WYOMING THAT Oregon Trail Bank and First State Bank are hereby declared to be the official depositories of the Town of Guernsey, Wyoming.PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 2nd DAY OF JANUARY 2018.

Resolution 2018-002 – Town of Guernsey Official Newspaper: CM Kelley moved to approve resolution 2018-002 – Official Newspaper, seconded by CM Harris. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes. Resolution follows in its entirety:A RESOLUTION BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF GUERNSEY WYOMING DECLARING THE GUERNSEY GAZETTE AS THE OFFICIAL LEGAL PUBLICATION FOR THE TOWN OF GUERNSEY WYOMING.

WHEREAS, The Guernsey Gazette is read by residents and carries local news:

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF GUERNSEY, WYOMING THAT the Guernsey Gazette is hereby declared to be the official publication for the Town of Guernsey, Wyoming.

Passed this 2nd day of January, 2018.

Resolution 2018-003 – School Choice Week: CM Harris moved to approve resolution 2018-003 – School Choice Week, seconded by CM Kelley. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes. Resolution follows in its entirety: A RESOLUTION BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF GUERNSEY, WYOMING, DECLARING THE JANUARY 21-27, 2018 ASGUERNSEY SCHOOL CHOICE WEEK.

WHEREAS all children in Guernsey should have access to the highest-quality education possible; and,

WHEREAS Guernsey recognizes the important role that an effective education plays in preparing all students in Guernsey to be successful adults; and,

WHEREAS quality education is critically important to the economic vitality of Guernsey; and,

WHEREAS is home to a variety of high quality public and nonpublic schools from which parents can choose for their children, in addition to families who educate their children in the home; and

WHEREAS, educational variety not only helps to diversify our economy, but also enhances the vibrancy of our community; and,

WHEREAS Guernsey has many high-quality teaching professionals in all types of school settings who are committed to educating our children; and,

WHEREAS, School Choice Week is celebrated across the country by millions of students, parents, educators, schools and organizations to raise awareness of the need for effective educational options;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Edward Delgado do hereby recognize January 21-27, 2018 as Guernsey School Choice Week, and I call this observance to the attention of all of our citizens.

Passed this 2nd day of January, 2018.

Ordinance 2018-001 – Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways – 2ndReading: CM Martinez moved to approve Ordinance 2018-001 on second reading, seconded by CM Harris. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes. Ordinance follows in title only: An ordinance adopting the uniform act regulating traffic on highways.

Ordinance 2018-002 – Compression Brake –2ndReading: CM Kelley moved to approve Ordinance 2018-002 on second reading, seconded by CM Harris. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes. Ordinance follows in title only: An ordinance relating to the use of compression brakes within the Town of Guernsey.

Tate Stoneking – Eagle Scout Project: Tate would like to create a directory of the cemetery to help people find their loved ones. The podium would be right as you come into the cemetery in front of the well house. It would have a book under plex glass on a podium. The guide posts would be basic wood posts with numbers and/or letters cemented into the ground. The Council would like a visual of the grid so they can see more of what Tate is thinking. The Town Council agrees to let Tate start the project.

Public Comments: Christa Bartel let the Mayor know that the gym will be open on approximately January 15th.

Department Reports: Judge Conner reported for December having 38 cases, disposed of 21 and carried over 17 into January and collected $1,949.00 in fines.

Mayor& Council Reports: CM Martinez had a couple of people wanting to know about the status of the RV meeting that was held a few months ago. Mayor Delgado would like to wait until March for the work session and nicer weather. Mayor Delgado said Happy New Year make 2018 a great one.

Announcements: 1/12 – Ag Appreciation Dinner, 1/15 – Town Hall Closed, 1/16 – Town Council Meeting, 1/23 – Public Meeting Master Trail Plan

Adjournment: With no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Delgado called for a motion to adjourn. CM Kelley moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:28pm, seconded by CM Harris. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes.


Edward Delgado, Mayor

Kate Farmer, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Notice No. 1718. To be published in the Guernsey Gazette on January 9, 2018