Public Notice No. 1714


November 21, 2017
Town of Guernsey
Regular Meeting
Platte County, Wyoming

 Present: Mayor Delgado, CM Harris, CM Kelley, CM Martinez

Absent: CM Whitworth

Staff: K. Farmer, W. Conner, J. Michaels, E. Buchanan, S. Thomas, J. Thomas,

Guests: Christa Bartel, Jodi and Eldon Garver, Darrell Offe, Marian Offe
Mayor Delgado called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. The assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance and was welcomed to the meeting.

Agenda: CM Harris moved to approve the agenda, seconded by CM Kelley. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes.

Minutes: CM Kelley moved to approve the minutes as presented, seconded by CM Harris. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes.

Consideration of Claims: Mayor Delgado presented the vouchers to approval. CM Martinez moved to approve the Considerations of Claims in the amount of $152,590.66, seconded by CM Kelley. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes. Vouchers follow in entirety:Bristow Built Construction – 59750.00, Capital Business – 38.69, Dawson Infrastructure – 225.55, Farmer – 210.00, Galls – 221.66, Gemplers – 24.959, Guernsey Economic Development – 3333.34, Home Depot – 17.99, Inner Peace Designs – 324.00, One-Call of Wyoming – 6.75, Pitney Bowes Global – 171.95, Pitney Bowes Inc – 140.22, Purchase Power – 44.05, Scheid – 250.00, Sirchie Finger Print Lab – 170.94, Staples – 498.34, Steve Coon Construction – 7800.00, Sunny Bunny Easter Eggs – 372.00, TDS – 13776.09, USPS – 177.97, Ward – 46.35, Warws – 425.00, Wheatland Automotive – 81.74, Windbreak Cable – 155.00, Payroll – 28308.13, Taxes and Benefits – 36019.95, Total Vouchers – 152,590.66.

River Road Lot D: Eldon and Jodi Garver have the real estate business in Guernsey. Roger Horner and Darrell Offe had an agreement on River Road Lot D utility taps would be included.  Eldon advised Mr. Horner that he would like to have documentation of the utilities to be included at the expense of the Town of Guernsey for future references. A letter was written to Mr. Horner on July 22, 2005 that stated that the utilities would be installed by the Town of Guernsey. They sold the property to Matt Horton on the premises that the utilities would be installed. Horton has listed the property again. It has left the real estate company in an ethical dilemma to fulfill the obligations of the contract. Darrell Offe spoke about the annexation for the 4 lots on River Road and Sybille Street and agreed to exchange that for that property where the road is now for the installation of water and sewer taps. There were some issues with extending the sewer and water on Sybille Street but have been installed since. It is Darrells understanding that the Town was to put in the taps to all 4 lots. Mayor Delgado said the minutes from July 19, 2005 that the Superintendent was supposed to get bids to install the sewer and water taps. The letter was written to Mr. Horner on July 22, 2005 that the taps would be installed. On August 2, 2005 the bids were presented and the Council went into executive session with no decisions being made. Jodi Garver asked if we could go back farther. Darrell Offe had signed a quit claim deed in February 2004. Mayor Delgado will look into it further and get back to Jodi. Darrells understanding is that 4 taps would be put in and only 3 were installed. The Town Council still holds up their previous decisions to not install the sewer and water taps. City Attorney Buchanan would like to look for a recording of the executive session to help shed some light on the situation. For the fourth lot the Town had to extend the Town Main and they did that but did not install the tap to the lot.

Public Comments:N/A

Department Reports: Judge Conner reported for October and November 73 cases, disposed of 58 and carried over 15 into December. Total forfeitures collected were $8,086.00 with 4 failures to appear and 2 dismissals. Sheena Thomas apologized for not being in for a while. Things have been slow and they volunteered for the Toy Run.

Mayor& Council Reports: N/A

Announcements:12/6 – Winters Eve, Polar Express, 12/19 – Town Council Meeting, 12/22 – Town Hall Closed at noon, 12/25 – Town Hall Closed, 1/1 – Town Hall Closed

Adjournment: With no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Delgado called for a motion to adjourn. CM Kelley moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:26 pm, seconded by CM Harris. Vote taken and motion carried with 4 ayes.


 Edward Delgado, Mayor


Kate Farmer, Clerk/Treasurer

 Public Notice No. 1714. To be published in the Guernsey Gazette on December 12, 2017